Tuesday, 18 January 2011


We found this little Jeeves craft kit at the London transport museum, and thought it would be a great christmas present for people in general... and dads specifically. In fact, the London transport museum was a great place to find lots of goodies related to... London... and transport.

Build your own black cab for just £7.99!

Below you can see the finished result, as put together by Jacqui's dad in Sydney. Stay tuned for more mini Jeeves's from other parts of the world... specifically Sweden!

Beautifully crafted

We are not obsessive or anything... but LOVE cab stuff, so if anyone has any links or other pictures of Black Cab memorabilia, please send it to us and we will post it here to share.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Crafty Cab

It's been Christmas and New Year, so first of all; a very happy 2011 to all of you!

I decided to do a little cross stitching as a Christmas gift for Jacqui, and what better inspiration than Jeeves.

Jeeves immortalised in thread

She took it all the way to Australia were she was visiting family over the holidays, so it was almost like sending a little effigy of Jeeves to test if he can deal with the warm climate (and floods, as it looks at the moment!) in case we ever manage to, in some epic way, drive all the way there.

Jacqui and her brother Trevor at Bondai Beach